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Principal Investigator
Sabrina Epiphanio is veterinarian (UNESP) and phD in Experimental and Comparative Pathology at USP. She held her post-doctorate in the Instituto de Medicina Molecular and Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciências in Portugal (2003-2008) and taught at UNIFESP (2009-2013). She develops projects in the area of malaria since 2003. She has experience in the areas of Pathology, Immunology, Cell and Molecular Biology, with emphasis on protoparasitoses. She is a professor of General Pathology and Pathophysiology at Department of Clinical and Toxicological Analyses Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at São Paulo University.

Yasmin da Silva Santos
PhD student

Diva Sayuri G. Yamazaki
Undergraduate student

Virtual Lab meeting
Egressed students

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