Malaria-Associated Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Santos, YS; Gamon, THM; Azevedo, MSP; Telezynski, BL; Souza, EE; Oliveira, DBL; Dombrowski, JG; Rosa-Fernandes, L; Palmisano, G; Carvalho, LJM; Luvizotto, MCR; Wrenger, C; Covas, DT; Curi, R; Marinho, CRF; Durigon, EL; EPIPHANIO, S. Virulence profile of wild-type, P.1 and Delta SARS-Cov-2 variants in K18-hACE2 transgenic mice. Virulence profile of wild-type, P.1 and Delta SARS-Cov-2 variants in K18-hACE2 transgenic mice. Viruses, 15, 999, 2023. https://doi.org/10.3390/v15040999. 2023.
Dombrowski, JG; Acford-Palmer, H; Campos, M; Separovic, EPM; EPIPHANIO, S; Clark, TG; Campino, S; Marinho, CRF. Genetic diversity of Plasmodium vivax Isolates from Pregnant Women in Western Brazilian Amazon: A prospective cohort study , The Lancet Regional Health – Americas, vol.18, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lana.2022.100407, 2023.
Nguee, SYT; Duarte-Júnior, JWB; EPIPHANIO, S; Rénia, L; Claser, C. Experimental Models to Study the Pathogenesis of Malaria-Associated Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, Volume 12 | Article 899581
doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2022.899581.2022.
Sercundes, MK; Ortolan, LS; Julio, VS; Bella, LM; Quirino, TC; Debone, D; Marcela S. Carneiro-Ramos, MS; Christoffolete, MA; Martins, JO; D’Império-Lima, MR; Alvarez, JM; Amarante-Mendes, GP; Gonçalves, LA; Marinho, CRF; Epiphanio, S. Blockade of caspase cascade overcomes malaria-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome in mice. Cell Death & Disease, 13(2):144. Pag 1-10. doi: 10.1038/s41419-022-04582-6, 2022.
Dombrowski, J; Barateiro, A; Peixoto, EPM; Barros, A.B.C.S; Souza, R.M; Clark, T. G.; Campino, S; Wrenger, C; Wunderlich, G; Palmisano, G.; EPIPHANIO, S; Gonçalvez, L.A; Marinho, CRFM. Adverse pregnancy outcomes are associated with P. vivax malaria in a prospective cohort of women from the Brazilian Amazon. PloS Neglected Tropical Diseases, v. 15, p. e0009390,, 2021.
Reis, AS; Murillo, O; Lima, FA; Barateiro, A; Gomes, VM; Peixoto, EPM; Dombrowski, JG; Bandeira, CL; Araújo, RBD; Neres, R; Souza, RM; Barboza, R; Costa, FTM; Bevilacqua, E; Wrenger, C; Wunderlich, G; Palmisano, G; Labriola, L; Bortoluci, KR; Penha-Gonçalves, C; Gonçalves, LA; EPIPHANIO, S; Marinho, CRF. Inflammasomes Activation and IL-1 Signaling During Placental Malaria Induce Poor Pregnancy Outcomes. Science Advances,4; 6 (10); 6:aax6346, 2020.
Quirino, TC; Ortolan, LS; Sercundes, MK; Marinho, CRF; Turato, W; EPIPHANIO, S. Lung aeration in experimental malaria-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome by SPECT/CT. Plos One 15(5): e0233864, 2020.
Ortolan, LS; Sercundes, MK; Moura, GC; Quirino, TC; Debone, D; Costa, DS; Murillo, O; Marinho, CRF; EPIPHANIO, S. Endothelial Protein C Receptor Could Contribute to Experimental Malaria-Associated Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Journal of Immunology Research, 2019.
Barboza, R; Hasenkamp, L; Barateiro,A; Murillo, O; Peixoto, EPM; Lima, FA; Reis, AS; Gonçalves, LA; EPIPHANIO, S; Marinho, CRF. Fetal-Derived MyD88 Signaling Contributes to Poor Pregnancy Outcomes During Gestational Malaria. Frontiers Microbiology, 68 (10) 2019.
Dombrowski, JG; Souza, RM; Lima, FA; Bandeira, CL; Murillo, O; Costa, DS; Peixoto, EPM; Cunha, MP; Zanotto, PMA; Bevilacqua, E; Grisotto, MAG; Lima, ACP; Singer, JMS; Campino, S; Clark, TG; EPIPHANIO, S; Gonçalves, LA; Marinho, CRF. Association of Malaria Infection During Pregnancy with Head Circumference of Newborns in the Brazilian Amazon. JAMA Network Open, n 2, v. 5; e193300. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.3300; 2019.
Barateiro, A; Pereira, MLM; EPIPHANIO, S; Marinho, CRF; Contribution of Murine Models to the Study of Malaria during Pregnancy. Frontiers in Microbiology, v. 10, article 1369, p. 1-18, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.01369, 2019.
Barboza,R; Lima, F; Reis, A; Murillo, O; Peixoto, E; Bandeira, C; Fotoran, W; Sardinha, L; Wunderlich, G; Bevilacqua, E; D'Império-Lima, MR; Álvarez,J; Costa, FMT; Gonçalves, L; EPIPHANIO, S; Marinho, CRF. TLR4-Mediated Placental Pathology and Pregnancy Outcome in Experimental Malaria, Scientific Reports, 2017.
Pereira, MLM; Marinho, CRF; EPIPHANIO, S. Could heme oxygenase-1 be a new target for malaria-associated acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome? doi: Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 10.3389/fcimb.2018.00161, vol. 8, p1-19, 2018.
Sercundes, MK; Ortolan, LS; Debone, D; Soeiro-Pereira, PV; Gomes, E; Aitken, EH; Russo, M; Condino-Neto, A; D'Império Lima MR; Álvarez, JM; Portugal, S; Marinho, C.R.F.; EPIPHANIO, S. Targeting Neutrophils to Prevent Malaria-Associated Acute Lung Injury/Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Mice. Plos Pathogens, 12(12): e1006054. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1006054, 2016.
Pereira, MLM; Ortolan, LS; Sercundes, MK; Debone, D; Murillo, O; Lima, FA; Marinho, C.R.F.; EPIPHANIO, S. Association of heme oxygenase 1 with lung protection in malaria-associated ALI/ARDS. Mediators of Inflammation, doi.org/10.1155/2016/4158698, 2016.
Ataíde, R; Murillo, O; Dombrowski, JG; Souza, RM; Lima, FA; Lima, GFMC; Hristov, AD; Valle, SCN; Santi, SM; EPIPHANIO, S ; Marinho, CRF. Angiogenic factors are changed in malaria in pregnancy. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases (Online), 19;9(6):e0003824, 1-15, 2015.
Ortolan, LS.; Sercundes, MK; Barboza R; Debone D; Murillo, O; Hagen, SCF; Russo, M; Lima, MRI; Alvarez, JM; Amaku, M; Marinho, CRF; EPIPHANIO, S. Predictive criteria to study the pathogenesis of malaria-associated ALI/ARDS in mice. Mediator of Inflammation, DOI: 10.1155/2014/872464, 2014.
Aitken, EH; Negri, EM; Barboza, R; D' Império Lima, MR; Álvarez, JM, Marinho, CRF, Caldini, EG, EPIPHANIO, S. Ultrastructure of the lung in a murine model of malaria-associated acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome, Malaria Journal, 13(1): 230, 2014.
Portugal, S; Carret, C; Recker, M; Armitage, AE; Gonçalves, LA, A; EPIPHANIO, S; Sullivan D, Roy, C; Newbold, CI; Drakesmith, H; Mota, MM. Host-mediated regulation of superinfection in malaria. Nature Medicine, 17(6): 732-7, 2011.
EPIPHANIO, S; Campos, MG; Pamplona, A; Carapau, D; Pena, A; Ataíde, R; Monteiro, CAA; Félix, N; Costa-Silva, A; Marinho, CRF; Dias, S; Mota, MM. VEGF Promotes Malaria-associated acute lung injury in mice. Plos Pathogens, v.6, n.5, p. e1000916, 2010.
EPIPHANIO, S, Mikolajczak, SA; Gonçalves, LA; Pamplona, A; Portugal, S; Albuquerque, S; Goldberg, M; Rebelo, S; Anderson, DG; Akinc, A; Vornlocher, HP; Kappe, SHI; Soares, MP; Mota; MM. Heme oxygenase-1 is an anti-inflammatory host factor that promotes murine Plasmodium liver infection. Cell Host & Microbe, v.3, n.5, p. 331-338, 2008.
Pamplona, A; Ferreira, A; Balla, J; Jeney, V; Balla, G; EPIPHANIO, S; Chora, A; Rodrigues, CD; Pombo, I; Cunha-Rodrigues, M; Portugal, S; Soares, MP; Mota, MM. Heme oxygenase-1 and carbon monoxide suppress the pathogenesis of experimental cerebral malaria. Nature Medicine, v.13, n.6, p. 703-10, 2007.
Comparative Pathology of Protoparasitosis in Wild Animals
Vanstreels, RET; Ferreira-Junior, FC; Dutra, DA; EPIPHANIO, S; Braga, EM; Pistorius, PA; Catão-Dias, JL. Investigation of Babesia sp. in pygoscelid penguins at the South Shetland Islands. Polar Research, v.37, 1500267, 2018.
Vanstreels, RET; Uhart , M; Rago, V; Hurtado, R; EPIPHANIO, S.; Catão-Dias, JL. Do blood parasites infect Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) in the wild? Prospective investigation and climatogeographic considerations. Parasitology, doi:10.1017/S0031182016002407, 8p, 2017.
Aitken, EH; Bueno, MG; Ortolan, LS.; Álvarez, JM.; Pissinatti, A; Kierulff, MCM ; Catão-Dias, J.L.; EPIPHANIO, S. Survey of Plasmodium in the golden-headed lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysomelas) living in urban Atlantic forest in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Malaria Journal,15:93 DOI 10.1186/s12936-016-1155-3, 2016.
Vanstreels, RET; Silva-Filho, RP, Kolesnikovas, CKM; Bhering, RCC; Ruopolo, Valeria; EPIPHANIO, S; Amaku, M; Ferreira Junior, FC; Braga, EM ; Catão-Dias, JL. Epidemiology and pathology of avian malaria in penguins undergoing rehabilitation in Brazil. Veterinary Research 46:30. DOI 10.1186/s13567-015-0160-9, 2015.
Vanstreels, RET; Kolesnikovas, CKM. ; Sandri, S ; Silveira, P ; Belo, NOB ; Ferreira, MJP; EPIPHANIO, S ; Steindel, M; Braga, EM ; Catão-Dias, JL. Outbreak of avian malaria associated to multiple species of Plasmodium in Magellanic penguins undergoing rehabilitation in Southern Brazil. Plos One, v. 15, p. e94994, 2014.
Catão-Dias, JL; EPIPHANIO, S; Kierulff, MCM. Neotropical Primates and their susceptibility to Toxoplasma gondii: new insights for an old problem. In: Primates, Pathogens and Evolution. 1ed New York, London: Springer, 2013, p. 253-289.
Maia da Silva, F; Marcili, A; Ortiz, PA; EPIPHANIO, S; Campaner, M; Catão-Dias, JL; Shaw, JJ; Camargo, EP; Teixeira, MMG. Phylogenetic, morphological and behavioural analyses support host switching of Trypanosoma (Herpetosoma) lewisi from domestic rats to primates. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, v.10, n.4, p.522-9, 2010.
EPIPHANIO, S; Sinhorini, IL; Catão-Dias, JL. Comparative pathology of toxoplasmosis in Neotropical primates kept in captivity. Journal of Comparative Pathology, v. 129, n.2-3, p. 196-204, 2003.
EPIPHANIO, S; Sá, LRM; Teixeira, RHF; Catão-Dias, JL. Toxoplasmosis in a wild caught Black Lion Tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus). Veterinary Record, v.149, p. 627-628, 2001.